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How you can help

Raising money to support a non-profit organization is a lot of work and is not everyone’s favorite role within an organization. However, with the help and support of friends and partners in the community, it can be done! If you’re interested in helping us to inform, empower and connect families of individuals who are deaf-blind, please consider donating or supporting NFADB in any of the creative ways listed below. 

NFADB is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

We LOVE our donors! 
Please visit our Donate Now Page, to become one of our wonderful donors.

Provide Financial Support

  • One time donation
  • Recurring gift on a regular basis
  • Gifts in honor/memory of a loved one
  • Non-monetary gifts, such as lending your expertise, gifting supplies or equipment, donating miles for travel

Donate by using the LYFT code “NFADBLyft”

NFADB is pleased to announce our partnership with LYFT. Wherever you’re headed, count on Lyft for rides in minutes. The Lyft app matches you with local drivers at the tap of a button. Just request and go.
You can help us to earn $10 for every new customer requesting a ride simply by using our referral code, “NFADBLyft”. And if you are a new driver to Lyft that uses our referral code, “NFADBLyft”, we can earn $750 for each referral of a new driver.

To find out more about using LYFT for your transportation needs, click here 

Volunteer your Talents and Skills

We have many opportunities for you to put your skills and talents to good use for NFADB.  To learn more, please contact NFADB at

    • Join the Board of Directors
    • Help out on one of our six Action Committees:
        • Adult Life Committee
        • Affiliate Committee
        • Development Committee
        • Membership Committee
        • Outreach Committee
        • Policy, Information, and Education (PIE) Committee
    • Help with Website maintenance
    • Help with Grant writing

Share your Story

  • Write your story or be willing to be interviewed for our social media, website, and/or podcast
  • Share your family photos and videos for our social media, website, and/or publications

For more information, call NFADB at 1.800.255.0411 or email

OUR MISSION:  NFADB exists to empower the voices of families with individuals who are DeafBlind and advocate for their unique needs.


become a member of nfadb


Our work is supported by organizations and individuals like you.  

Support our work

Donation goal

Goal: $50,000.00
Collected: $50,111.00


Phone: 800.255.0411
Fax: 516.883.9060



PO Box 1667
Sands Point, NY 11050

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